Yet another seriously worrying account of potentially lethal obstacles being placed across a trail by a mindless individual, this time in South Wales. Read the account from Ben at Afan Valley Bike Shed as he ended up riding at speed into a barbed wire trap, which narrowly missed his throat. We’d encourage anyone with knowledge of this or any other trail sabotage to contact their local police.

“A Warning to anyone riding back country in the Welsh Valleys!

“I was riding on Saturday in the Ton Pentre area, down a trail I’ve ridden many times, and was almost beheaded by barbed wire strung up across the trail between two trees. Thank god I’m a big bloke as it cut across my chest and shoulders before sliding up to my neck. Seriously thought I was a goner as had to unwrap the wire from round my throat. Completely trashed my jacket but thankfully just scrapes and one small puncture on my arm. I have no idea what the complete twat who put the wire there was thinking but had it been a shorter rider, they might well have killed someone. This was an area of trail where you clearly ride at speed. What could they possibly hope to achieve through this action? I’ll be passing the attached photos and this information to the Police.

“Ride safely out there.”

Afan Valley Bike Shed on Facebook.

Tue 15th Nov, 2016 @ 9:30 pm

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