Mountain Bike Terrain Technique

Mountain Bike Technique - Carving Corners
Mountain Bike Technique - Carving Corners
Carving Corners

Having looked at the fundamentals of cornering in an earlier issue it is time to add some meat to the bones and offer up some additional advice that will take you from 'getting by' to cooking on gas. There are 5 key ingredients in our recipe for success. Those ingredients don't change from corner to corner although the ratio in...

Mountain Bike Technique - Climbing
Mountain Bike Technique - Climbing

Uppers Will Improve your Downers Having been around the scene for over three decades I'm well aware that climbing is not everyone's cuppa tea, but when push comes to shove, we have to face the reality that in order to go down first we must go up. All too often the topic is taboo for the recreational rider, and it...

Mountain Bike Technique - Conquering Camber
Mountain Bike Technique - Conquering Camber
Conquering Camber

We often think of trail as up or down, ascent or descent. The reality is we live in a far more three-dimensional world where often the fall line of the terrain is crossed rather than followed. The cross fall of the trail can challenge a rider and present a problem that pushes them to places either they don't want to...

Mountain Bike Technique - Crags and Slabs
Mountain Bike Technique - Crags and Slabs
Crags and Slabs

Bedrock, boulders, and slick slabs of stone are some of the key elements that make up the quintessential mountain bike experience. For those of you who are lucky enough to live in such areas, these staple trail elements are less demanding. But as many riders live miles away from the mountains, some of you may find yourself getting in above...

Mountain Bike Technique - Rock Stars
Mountain Bike Technique - Rock Stars
Rock Stars

Rocks come in all shapes and sizes from solitary lumps and outcrops to collectives forming gardens of granite. Although for some of us 'home' might mean 'loam,' no matter where you live your journeys on two wheels will eventually ensure that you encounter trails that are made of sterner stuff. Whether the trail ahead is impregnated with igneous, scattered with...

Mountain Bike Technique - Strava Be In The Pub
Mountain Bike Technique - Strava Be In The Pub
Strava Be In The Pub

When the cycling press describes something as the 'technical innovation of the year,' you might expect them to be referring to electronic shifting, belt drive, 11 speed, clutch derailleur or perhaps another life-changing adaptation to wheel size. In this case however, the focus of such high praise was something as simple as an App. Strava itself is not vastly different...

Mountain Bike Technique - Switchbacks
Mountain Bike Technique - Switchbacks

Switchbacks are a trail feature that has been long forgotten in the new world order of trail centres and cultured MTB parks. Old school riders and those who enjoy getting out into the back country will know them all too well, but the new breed of riders born and bred at the trail centre will find them to be a...

Mountain Bike Technique - The Golden Thread
Mountain Bike Technique - The Golden Thread
The Golden Thread

Much has been written about ‘line choice’ as an important aspect of taming the trail that lies ahead. This issue we put our usual spin on the subject with the ultimate goal of making you a better, faster rider. Line choice is indeed an important skill to develop, but from experience we know that when you are out on the...



Mountain Bike Technique - Winter Skills - Part 1
Mountain Bike Technique - Winter Skills - Part 1
Winter Skills - Part 1

Fancy a line? The works Christmas do is on the horizon (or a distant fuzzy memory for some) and the New Year beckons. The winter solstice sees us heading back to the light in this part of the world but winters firm grip means we will have to endure mud, slop, snow, ice and varying combinations of all the above....

Mountain Bike Technique - Getting Fully Sussed
Mountain Bike Technique - Getting Fully Sussed
Getting Fully Sussed

Each issue we refer to it. It’s one of the single most expensive elements to our bikes. It is fundamental to the way your bike works & feels. It can be pivotal (quite literally) to our performance and a major factor in our overall riding experience. For the vast majority of us, it is probably the least understood element of...

Mountain Bike Technique - Slip N Slide
Mountain Bike Technique - Slip N Slide
Slip N Slide

“You know the nearer your destination. The more you're slip-slidin' away.” Well so say Simon & Garfunkel, but here at IMB, we see the slip-slidin' as a sign of life and vitality and not the end of days as the song may suggest. Winter riding is all about letting it hang out as we desperately try and get some grip,...

Mountain Bike Technique - Riding on Snow
Mountain Bike Technique - Riding on Snow
Riding on Snow

Winter is here and depending on where you’re positioned on this globe this means you get to ride in some murky conditions. Now most people have been out on the bike in the mud before, but when it comes to riding on snow, it’s a new ballgame. Grip is limited to an absolute minimum and to make it out alive...

Mountain Bike Technique - Speed Control
Mountain Bike Technique - Speed Control
Speed Control

Before you think ‘Oh, I am OK with my braking technique’ and flick on to the next article, STOP. Speed control is not simply a matter of the ability to apply the brakes and stay on the bike (although this admittedly is an essential technique). The physical element of speed control is a far broader topic than that. As with...

Mountain Bike Technique - Re Vision
Mountain Bike Technique - Re Vision
Re Vision

In every article we have written, covering all manner of riding scenarios and areas of skills development, we’ve referred to the core physical skill of looking. Again and again we have highlighted its importance in achieving improved riding performance. The art of 'looking' is one of the easiest for riders to identify and know how to address, but mastering it...