Mountain Bike Equipment Technique

Mountain Bike Technique - Getting Fully Sussed
Mountain Bike Technique - Getting Fully Sussed
Getting Fully Sussed

Each issue we refer to it. It’s one of the single most expensive elements to our bikes. It is fundamental to the way your bike works & feels. It can be pivotal (quite literally) to our performance and a major factor in our overall riding experience. For the vast majority of us, it is probably the least understood element of...

Mountain Bike Technique - The Workman's Tools
Mountain Bike Technique - The Workman's Tools
The Workman's Tools

All too often what you are riding is seen as the biggest limiting factor to the trails you can tame and the speed you can carry. Magazines and videos are filled with highly skilled riders on super pimped steeds riding super technical terrain, descending at speeds only previously considered achievable with the aid of a zip wire. Technology clearly plays...



Mountain Bike Technique - Contact Points
Mountain Bike Technique - Contact Points
Contact Points

In this edition, we are getting all touchy-feely (in an appropriate manner) as we look at contact patches. No matter what we do on the bike from simply rolling along the road to ram-raiding a boulder field we have just a small amount of surface area in contact with the bike and the terrain. We are of course talking about...

Mountain Bike Technique - Jumping Fundamentals
Mountain Bike Technique - Jumping Fundamentals
Jumping Fundamentals

Of all the techniques that make up the rich tapestry of riding, jumping is perhaps the technique that riders most often identify as an area where they could do with some help. Mountain biking continually evolves and where back in the day your average trail ride might include the odd small jump here and there which, with little effort, could...

Mountain Bike Technique - Frequent Flaws & Quick Fixes
Mountain Bike Technique - Frequent Flaws & Quick Fixes
Frequent Flaws & Quick Fixes

When it comes to improvement, every rider has their individual needs; there are some issues that that are common to many riders, whether they are new to the sport or long time veterans. The good news is that these issues are as easy to fix, as they are common. Even those of us who feel confident in all but the...

Mountain Bike Technique - Driving Force
Mountain Bike Technique - Driving Force
Driving Force

Even with the best technique in the world, if your bike lets you down you are going to lose speed and there is a danger it will have a knock on effect on your riding ability. The power transfer between you and the bike is perhaps the most important one when looking to tackle steep climbs. Skipping gears and a...

Mountain Bike Technique - Get a Grip
Mountain Bike Technique - Get a Grip
Get a Grip

If like the ageing rocker Mick Jagger you ‘can’t get no off-road traction’ this issue’s article is for you. As is de rigeuer with mastering all trail conditions, your kit will play its part but there are a host of other physical and indeed psychological factors that will contribute in being able to ride where others slide, and find grip...

Mountain Bike Technique - Crags and Slabs
Mountain Bike Technique - Crags and Slabs
Crags and Slabs

Bedrock, boulders, and slick slabs of stone are some of the key elements that make up the quintessential mountain bike experience. For those of you who are lucky enough to live in such areas, these staple trail elements are less demanding. But as many riders live miles away from the mountains, some of you may find yourself getting in above...