Mountain Bike Seasonal Riding Technique

Mountain Bike Technique - Back Behind Bars
Mountain Bike Technique - Back Behind Bars
Back Behind Bars

Although we would all like to think that we will always ride, come hell or high water (and if you are in the UK this winter you will have faced plenty of the latter), the truth is many riders will take a longer than normal break from their time in the saddle from time to time. Health, circumstance, workload, injury,...

Seasonal Riding
Mountain Bike Technique - New Years Resolutions
Mountain Bike Technique - New Years Resolutions
New Years Resolutions

Traditionally the New Year is a time to reflect but also look forward. Resolutions are made, and probably by now broken, so what better time to have a second crack at committing to some changes. These resolutions are not ones that only involve abstinence and depriving yourself, but ones you might just keep! This issue we have a bakers dozen...

Seasonal Riding
Mountain Bike Technique - Night Riding
Mountain Bike Technique - Night Riding
Night Riding

With the days in the Northern hemisphere shortening faster than the odds of a turkey seeing in the New Year, this issues technique feature looks at Night riding. Some of the article will look at which skills are required to get more out of riding at night, but equally, if not more important, is taking a look at how riding...

Seasonal Riding
Mountain Bike Technique - Riding on Snow
Mountain Bike Technique - Riding on Snow
Riding on Snow

Winter is here and depending on where you’re positioned on this globe this means you get to ride in some murky conditions. Now most people have been out on the bike in the mud before, but when it comes to riding on snow, it’s a new ballgame. Grip is limited to an absolute minimum and to make it out alive...

Seasonal Riding
Mountain Bike Technique - Roll on Summer
Mountain Bike Technique - Roll on Summer
Roll on Summer

With the clocks having sprung forward and the mercury rising (albeit not steadily), longer drier days herald the start of another summer season on the trails. After two seasons of decline in both weather and trail conditions you may find that your own riding is also a bit weather beaten and in need of a little TLC. Firmer trails will...

Seasonal Riding
Mountain Bike Technique - Seasonal Adjustments
Mountain Bike Technique - Seasonal Adjustments
Seasonal Adjustments

For Northern Hemisphere riders, another Summer is fading into memory. On the plus side, the soft light of Autumn makes for some fantastic vistas and epic riding - the days may be shortening, but there is plenty of riding still to be had. The light isn't the only thing to soften up and a change in trail conditions may well...

Seasonal Riding
Mountain Bike Technique - Slip N Slide
Mountain Bike Technique - Slip N Slide
Slip N Slide

“You know the nearer your destination. The more you're slip-slidin' away.” Well so say Simon & Garfunkel, but here at IMB, we see the slip-slidin' as a sign of life and vitality and not the end of days as the song may suggest. Winter riding is all about letting it hang out as we desperately try and get some grip,...

Seasonal Riding
Mountain Bike Technique - Travel Adjustments
Mountain Bike Technique - Travel Adjustments
Travel Adjustments

MTB tourism has boomed in the last 10 years and more and more riders are using annual leave to take their passion to new heights and explore the world from behind a riser bar. Whether travelling to a well established, well ridden, holiday hotspot or trailblazing in regions less well known, you will want to get the most from your...

Seasonal Riding
Mountain Bike Technique - Winter Riding
Mountain Bike Technique - Winter Riding
Winter Riding

Ask any rider about their favourite mountain biking memory of that year and very few will recall a ride though sloppy conditions in driving rain with a cold wind biting, quads burning, crotch sodden and trails livelier than a bucket full of eels. Despite this the vast majority of us have experienced a ride like that and still we go...

Seasonal Riding
Mountain Bike Technique - Winter Skills - Part 2
Mountain Bike Technique - Winter Skills - Part 2
Winter Skills - Part 2

Stop the press, break out the balloons and grab a slice of cake as we celebrate one year with IMB. What a year we’ve had, and what a year ahead. Creating features is a fascinating process when the guys at IMB approached me my brain went into overdrive with ideas for the technique section. I’ve been humbled over the years...

Seasonal Riding
Mountain Bike Technique - Winter Survival
Mountain Bike Technique - Winter Survival
Winter Survival

With 2023 well and truly underway many of you will be digging deep to keep to those new year riding resolutions. Some of you will be doing a sterling job of hitting your goals to stay in shape or improve your skills, while others may find motivation waning as these winter months drag on. Staying motivated at this time of...

Seasonal Riding


Mountain Bike Technique - Jumping Fundamentals
Mountain Bike Technique - Jumping Fundamentals
Jumping Fundamentals

Of all the techniques that make up the rich tapestry of riding, jumping is perhaps the technique that riders most often identify as an area where they could do with some help. Mountain biking continually evolves and where back in the day your average trail ride might include the odd small jump here and there which, with little effort, could...

Mountain Bike Technique - Back Behind Bars
Mountain Bike Technique - Back Behind Bars
Back Behind Bars

Although we would all like to think that we will always ride, come hell or high water (and if you are in the UK this winter you will have faced plenty of the latter), the truth is many riders will take a longer than normal break from their time in the saddle from time to time. Health, circumstance, workload, injury,...

Seasonal Riding
Mountain Bike Technique - Dare - Double Dare - The Psychological Challenge
Mountain Bike Technique - Dare - Double Dare - The Psychological Challenge
Dare - Double Dare - The Psychological Challenge

In part 2 of our session instalment, we take a glimpse into rider psychology and our mental approach to practising sections of trail. Working on our mental game is a fast track way to improve what happens on the bike. Neglect the mental training, and all that hard work on the bike is as good as worthless. I have mentioned...

Mountain Bike Technique - Trail Therapy
Mountain Bike Technique - Trail Therapy
Trail Therapy

To the ear of those that don't ride it would be very easy to think that riders have something against the trails they ride. We talk of 'attacking them, smashing corners, nailing jumps' and generally 'ripping' or 'tearing it up’. We all claim to love the trails, yet from the way we speak it would seem as if the relationship...

Mountain Bike Technique - Re Vision
Mountain Bike Technique - Re Vision
Re Vision

In every article we have written, covering all manner of riding scenarios and areas of skills development, we’ve referred to the core physical skill of looking. Again and again we have highlighted its importance in achieving improved riding performance. The art of 'looking' is one of the easiest for riders to identify and know how to address, but mastering it...

Mountain Bike Technique - Control Freaks
Mountain Bike Technique - Control Freaks
Control Freaks

If you are a regular reader of IMB then its pretty safe to assume that you love to ride. Through this love of mountain biking you will, no doubt, have experienced some thrills and spills, faced and overcome challenges, visited stunning locations and met some great people. It is the rich variety of experience that helps keep our love of...